1. I have a re-occuring nightmare about a snake being in my bed. It's really hard to go back to sleep after that one.
2. My favorite holiday, without a doubt, is Thanksgiving.
3. The one thing I've never been self-conscious of is my feet.
4. My first impression of people is usually based off of the appearance of their hands and teeth.
5. I waste a lot of my life on Facebook, I'm a total creeper.
6. My favorite food is spaghetti, I could eat it every day. Easily.
7. My least favorite household chore is putting clean dishes away. Why? I have no idea, I just absolutely hate it.
8. I'm a sucker for reality shows of all kinds. I love them.
9. I have a thing about always driving 5mph over the speed limit. Even if I'm killing time and have no where to be, I speed just a little.
10. I love to color. You'd think I was 7 by the amount of Crayons and coloring books I have stashed in my room.
My BFF has the snake dream (and sometimes it's a robber in the room) and she'll wake up 9but still dreaming) screaming and then her hubby will jump up and start looking for snakes. I've never seen this happen, but it's on my bucket list.