Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guest Speaker

On Tuesday in our Blogging class we had Dr. Hochenauer come to talk to us about blogging.  He had a lot of great advice to offer and I took a lot from his lecture.  Some of the various things I learned were:

1.  It is okay to go against the norm.  What you believe may or may not be what every one else believes but either way, it's your blog and you can talk about what ever "floats your boat."

2. You can't blog too much.

3. Do what you want with your blog.  This may sound similar to #1 but what I mean is that, if you want to make money do it, if you don't; don't. If you want to post something, do it.  It's your blog and your choices. 

Dr. Hochenauer offered so much great information that it's hard to take just these things from it, but this is just what I thought was most influential.


  1. I know that number 2 is so true.... I feel like I don't blog enough.

  2. It can quickly become an obsession or a burden - depends on where you want to go wtih it!
